True, you don’t want to spend more money on wants instead of needs because if you do you won’t have enough money for things that you really need.
Considering there are no options to pick from, the following accounts are recorded in a country’s balance of payments accounts:
1. the current account
2. the capital account
3. the financial account.
1. The current account is part of the country’s balance of payments accounts to define the inflow and outflow of goods and services into a particular country.
2. The capital account is also a country’s balance of payments account that documents all the international capital transfers of a country.
3. The financial account is part of the country’s balance of payments accounts where the international monetary flows concerning the investment in the business, real estate, bonds, and stocks are fully recordsd.
The answer is letter D
Under a P system, an order is placed to replenish the inventory position up to the target level T every P time periods.
By writing that check and investing in mutual funds, M1 will decrease, but M2 will remain the same.
M1 includes currency and coin, demand deposits, travelers' checks, check accounts, and negotiable order of withdrawal (NOW) accounts.
M2 includes all M1 + savings deposits, money market securities, mutual funds, and other time deposits.
The total cost by following the first plan will be the charge per months times 12 months
= $23.35 x 12
= $280.2
The total cost from the second plan will be the cost of the first three months at $14.99 plus the cost of 9 months at $29.99
=($14.99 x 3) + ($29.99 x 9)
=$44. 97 +$269.91
The first plan is the better deal. It will save
= $314.88 - $280.2