Paul baltes would say that tom is seeking his grandfather's <u>"wisdom".</u>
Wisdom is one of those characteristics hard to characterize—in light of the fact that it incorporates so much—however which individuals by and large perceive when they experience it. Furthermore, it is experienced most clearly in the domain of basic leadership. Psychologists have a tendency to concur that astuteness includes a joining of information, experience, and profound understanding that fuses resilience for the vulnerabilities of life and in addition its good and bad times. There's a consciousness of how things play out after some time, and it gives a feeling of adjust.
Because a lot of things have not yet been discovered and questioned as well as there being billions of things that we have absolutely no knowledge about.
D. the Tell
The majority of the Algerians live in the northernmost part of the country, along the coastline of the Mediterranean Sea. It is the region known as the Tell, or the Tell Atlas, which is part of the Atlas Mountain Range that passes through he northern part of the country. The majority of the people live just bellow this mountain range, in the small coastal lowlands, as they are the ones that provide by far the best living conditions in this northern African nation.
They have gotten worse and worse and worse