Classical conditioning involves an association between two stimuli and whereas operant conditioning requires behavior on the part of the learner.
Because of this, classical conditioning can imposed without reward or punishment. When we pair a neutral stimuli with a conditioned stimuli, over the time people will start to give conditioned response for the neutral stimuli.
Operant conditioning on the other hand, require a certain type of reward or punishment that has to be given based on whether the subject is conducting a desired behavior or not.
<em>Americans get a day off work on October 12 to celebrate Columbus Day. It's an annual holiday that commemorates the day on October 12, 1492, when the Italian explorer Christopher Columbus officially set foot in the Americas, and claimed the land for Spain. It has been a national holiday in the United States since 1937</em>
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The europeans brought infectuous diseses such as the bubonic plague, chicken pox, pneumonic plague, cholera, diphtheria, influenza, measles, scarlet fever, smallpox, typhus, tuberculosis, and whooping cough. The diseases introduced in the Americas by the Europeans were crowd diseases: that is, individuals who have once contracted the disease and survived become immune to the disease.