its of 0.5 going
if it's help you can followed me
Đọc sách và ghi chép cẩn thận, bao gồm những chi tiết quan trọng mà bạn cần nhất
Hy vọng rằng sẽ giúp! :}
Read your books by your self and take notes carefully, including the details that are most important.
Hope that helps! :}
Environment is something very important today, because it is becoming more and more polluted. People do harm without being aware that they destroy the world. People just want more and more money and more and more destruction, which is definitely the cause, yet people do not know the effect that it can cause. Without explaining the effect that pollution can cause, today's environment cannot be explained. Shortly, by being greedy (the cause), we destroy our habitat (the effect)