The country which was the site of ethnic tensions and a civil war between hutu and tutsi in the 1990 was Rwanda. The Rwandan Genocide is said to have started the 7th of April until the 15th of July 1994, although there had been previous ethnic tensions in Uganda before this date before it spilled into Rwanda. However relatively short this period seemed it is a genocidal mass murder as around one million deaths were recorded.
The answer is self-enhancement. The self-enhancement is when individuals lean towards to rate themselves above average, believe they have a better than average likelihood of success, and attribute their successes to personal motivation or ability while blaming the condition for their inaccuracies. In addition, self-enhancement in psychology is a kind of inspiration that works to make people feel good about themselves and to uphold self-esteem. This motive develops especially prominent in situations of threat, failure or blows to the self-esteem of oneself.
C is your answers to the question
One good reason is that the were raised to not follow rules and they just don't care about the law.
<em>The Sibley Commission was formed in Georgia in response to the Supreme Court ruling of Brown vs. Board of Education. The purpose of the Sibley Committe was to ;</em>
D. Decide if desegregation was constitutional in Georgia
<u>The Brown vs. Board of Education is the Court that would declare state laws establishing separate public schools for black and white students to be unconstitutional. </u>
<u>This was my original thought that the answer would be, however, The Sibley Commission was created to survey on whether or not to integrate schools. Which leaves me thinking the answer might most likely be answer choice A as well.</u>
A. Determine if Georgians wanted to integrate schools
<u>Georgians would rather see schools closed that integrated. These lawsuits were combined into the landmark Brown v. Board of Education Supreme Court case that outlawed segregation in schools. </u>
Answer choice A seems about correct.