Mutations in that organism, which can possibly lead to cancer (via mutations in the proto-oncogenes or tumor-suppressor genes)
There are 3 methods to set up a wildflower classification means discovering a new flower. Those methods are discussed below in the explanation section.
Method one (Identification tools using):
- Search the about of the flower in the flower dictionary or flower database.
- Use any app which can identify flower such as Flowerchecker, Naturegate, etc.
- Take photos of the plant and post it on Flicker to get more information.
- Try google photos for searching about the plant by its picture.
Method two( Measuring the physical character of the plant):
- Measure the overall height of the plant.
- Measuring the width of the plant.
- Look at the flower to check how the flower is arranged on the stem.
- Count the petal number of the flower.
- Identify the color of the petals.
- Check the shape and texture of the stem.
- Check the shape, size, and arrangement of the leaves in the plant.
- Use this collected information to identify the flower in a plant database or encyclopedia.
Method three (Identifying the Flower’s Location and Blooming Time):
- Use the climate and terrain to determine the type of the flower.
- Observation of the factors in the geographic location to identify the flower.
- Find out the time of year when the flower bloomed.
- Identify the flower in an online database or encyclopedia using the collected information.
By doing this, you can set up a wildflower classification key and can find out the kingdom, family etc of the flower.
Answer: a-Male cones are smaller than female cones.
The cones are the characteristics of the gymnosperms plant species specifically to the Conifers. These plants exhibit naked ovules and the pollination in these cones is aided by the wind pollination. The male cones are smaller than the female cones and grows on the lower branches of the trees whereas the female cones grows on the higher branches. Each bract or scale of the male cone exhibit numerous pollen grains which are blown away by the wind and they pollinate the ovules of the female cones. Each bract or scale of female cone exhibit an ovule at the lower end. Each ovule is fertilized by the pollen to form the seed.
Phospholipids are made up of fatty acids, glycerol, and phosphate.
If you're referring to the structure of a phospholipid, they are composed of a water-loving (hydrophilic) head and a water-fearing (hydrophobic) tail. The tail is made up of long chains of hydrogen and carbon molecules as well.