What they are looking for here is supporting details for this claim. As you read, hat reasons are given to go into war? Why is it said that this is good idea? Was it for national security? Was it to ensure our safety? It may not be directly stated, either. This may be something you need to infer.
2) Fragment.
It's a fragment because we don't know what's going on and they're not giving any information about who's calling who. Hope this helps!
Why do you think the Tucks can't keep a job, rather they need to make things to sell from town to town? They hate working. ... They can't find jobs because they are old. They have to keep changing jobs so no one knows they are not aging.
The audience learns from the lines "Be innocent of the knowledge,
dearest chuck, / Till thou applaud the deed" that
Option A: Macbeth will keep Banquo's murder a secret until after the murder has been committed.
In the story "Macbeth" by Shakespeare, Lady Macbeth convinced his husband to murder Duncan. Later she also planned to kill Banquo who is Macbeth's best friend.
Though Macbeth is a noble person, but he wants to become the king and has a thirst for power. He decided that he will only reveal about Banquo's murder to his wife only when the action is completed.
Macbeth is sure that once she comes to know about the murder, she would be very happy and will applaud him for this.
No one thinks it will be easy. Gun violence in America is one of those problems that can feel truly hopeless. The U.S. has only 4.4% of the world’s population, yet it accounts for roughly 42% of the world’s guns, according to the comprehensive 2007 Small Arms Survey. And roughly 31% of the world’s mass shooters are American, according to a University of Alabama study. Even as mass-shooting deaths mount, our Second Amendment has made gun rights a third-rail issue: roughly 90% of Americans agree on “common-sense” solutions like universal background checks, yet absolutists stand in the way of any meaningful action.