Irritation Threshold is defined as the name applies. It is the threshold or maximum point at which an individual has become irritated or annoyed.
When the structure and function of an organism adjusts to its environment it is adapting.
One advantage of genetic engineering is the production of valuable proteins: recombinant DNA made possible the use of bacteria to produce proteins of medical importance such as genetically engineered human insulin which is of great importance.
Another advantage is the production of vaccines. Vaccines produced by genetic engineering offer an advantage that the microbial strains from which proteins are extracted do not contain complete viruses and thus there is no risk of accidental inoculation with live virus.
<em>1. They effect crop productivity</em>
As weeds start to grow in the area where the crops were destined to grow, the production of the crops gets lowered.
<em>2. They deplete the crops from nutrition</em>
The weeds will compete with the crop plants for resources such as minerals from the soil.
<em>3. They will deplete water resources</em>
The weeds will compete with the crop plants for water.
<em>4. Sun-light will be depleted</em>
The weeds will complete with the crop plants for sun light.
<em>5. The crop quality will be affected</em>
As the crop plants will be in competition with the weeds, hence their quality will be affected.
6. <em>They can reduce the biodiversity of crop plants.</em>