Technological advancements
Good healthcare system
Stable government
The factors that gave European countries an economic advantage in Asia from 1750 to 1900 was its technological advancements which helped boost the economy by ensuring an increase in quality and quantity of goods and services.
Good healthcare system to cater for the labour force was also existent in the region which also has an influence on the economy.
In the 1960's Chinese leader Mao Zedong felt that his power was weakening by the day, and the Soviet Union was leading China in the wrong direction. After the failure of the "Great Leap Forward" and the economic crisis afterwards, he tried to convince the youth to revive the revolutionary spirit and change China for the better, starting the Cultural Revolution.
When Zedong called for the younger generation to attack the older generations for their wrongful thinking and lack of revolutionary spirit, he was telling the people to violate the older generation's right to security of person.
Thousands attend the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Ceremony annually. Other critics argued that American diplomats had ulterior motives. The Soviet Union had entered the war against Japan, and the atomic bomb could be read as a strong message for the Soviets to tread lightly.
In a final proclamation on December 25, 1868, Johnson declared "unconditionally, and without reservation, ... a full pardon and amnesty for the offence of treason against the United States, or of adhering to their enemies during the late civil war, with restoration of all rights, privileges, and immunities under the ...
D) the legislative, executive and judicial functions of government are held by separate people and groups