to study how the Chinese government operated
to learn about Chinese art and technology
He sent Japanese monks and other men to China to study. They study mostly how the Chinese government worked as well as art and technology.
He ruled in lat 6th and early 7th century and he made Buddhism the state religion. He built many temples all over Japan.
Through the messengers he sent to China, he learned a lot and that helped him create a new Japan, making him revered and viewed until today as one of the most important rulers of Japan's history!
Gulf Coast is the place that will be affected by Ice Wedging.
Gulf coast faces an important issue that will undermine its status as the oil conglomerate in the US.
This is due to the ice welding further up north that has been responsible for global warming, greenhouse effect and ultimately rising sea levels that is a very real issue that pertains to Texas.
Most of the coastline has rich oil resources and is responsible for most of the trade and it stands a chance of being submerged any time now.
This would mean a drastic fall of economy and displacement of the people.
The correct answer is lack of individual liberties.
The Bill of Rights is a list of ten constitutional amendments that protect the liberties and freedoms of American citizens. This Bill of Rights was incorporated into the new US Constitution thanks to the work of the Anti-Federalists. These amendments protect essential liberties including (but not limited to):
freedom of speech
freedom of religion
right to protest
right to a jury trial