A. Physical therapy
Options B, C, and D are all treatments for eating disorders.
Oxytocin stimulate(s) uterine contractions, cause(s) the breasts to "let down" milk, induce(s) a relaxed mood, and promote(s) responsiveness to the baby.
Oxytocin is a hormone secreted by the posterior pituitary gland and its two major functions are; the contraction of the womb (uterus) during childbirth and lactation (milk secretion/let down.
Plessy v. Ferguson
Plessy v. Ferguson was a landmark ruling of the United States Supreme Court in 1896 that provided legal justification for segregation and upheld the constitutionality of racial segregation laws on buses, public facilities etc.
This case came as a result of an incident in which an African American train passeger Homer Plessy refused to sit in the black only section of the train. Plessy argue that segregation law violate the Equal Proctection Clause of th Fourteenth Amendment which forbids states from denying any person within their jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws. However Ferguson ruled that separate but equal facilities were constitutional.
Ferguson stand came to be known as separate but equal doctrine
Supreme Court Of The United States. U.S. Reports: Plessy v. Ferguson, 163 U.S. 537 . 1895.
During the Mediaeval period, a large number of foreign travellers such as Ibn Battutah, Marco Polo, Alberuni etc visited India and have left an account of their observations.It is through these accounts that we have come to know about India in that period. Such accounts by foreign travellers are known as travelogues.
Display norms
display norms refers to a set of informal rules that people from a specific culture have as a standard to express their emotion.
In japan, the children were thought since early age to repress their emotion and maintain a calm and collective attitude when facing difficult situation because they feel that emotional outburst often unnecessarily escalate the situation. Because of this, the way Jiana's client behave could typically different depending on their background.