La respuesta correcta para esta pregunta abierta es la siguiente.
Estos serían los tres objetivos de la investigación de campo para una empresa comercializadora de ropa indígena.
1.- Conocer la cantidad de consumidores que conocen las características de las telas e hilos con los que se elabora la ropa indígena.
2.- Conocer el número de consumidores que están enterados en la ropa elaborada por indígenas.
3.- Saber el rango de precios que estarían dispuestos a pagar los consumidores por este tipo de prendas de vestir, una vez que conozcan la calidad de los materiales y el trabajo artesanal para fabricarlos.
Estos serían los objetivos centrales de la investigación de campo. Obteniendo las respuestas de estos planteamientos, la empresa tendrá la información importante para poder tomar la mejor decisión para promocionar y comercializar sus productos en diferentes segmentos.
It was the Royal Proclamation of 1763
Answer:This would be an example ofa. snowball sampling
A participant chooses someone else to participate on their behalf in a study or test. This happens in cases where it is not easy to fin the actual potential participants. It is called a snowball because when you roll a ball in an snpw it keeps attaching more snow until it gets bigger. The sampling is done randomly which means it is a non probability sampling
Snowball sampling consists of two steps:
The researcher will choose potential participants which are only few at the beginning. The chosen participants will recruits more participants, they don't have to give names. This recruitment goes on until the desired sample proportion is reached. The participants will only encourage others to come but that is not forced. It can be ethically challenging because subjects can be of sensitive topics
Why is Snowball Sampling Used?
In cases where a research deals with sensitive topics such as cheating, shoplifting, drug use and other deviant societal behaviours, participants may not feel comfortable to come forward. However they may suggest others in similar situation as them and be assured of confidentiality.
The answer is false.
The papers were a justified the planned Constitution. The papers were written to persuade people to
approve the new Constitution stating that they needed a strong united
government that would defend our freedom rather than impede it. It is important
because of the developments in it made the Constitution stronger.