Solution :
function tickets(user_tickets){
var num_tickets;
if (user_tickets < 5) {
num_tickets = 1;
return ('num_tickets: '+ num_tickets);
else {
num_tickets = user_tickets;
return('num_tickets: '+ num_tickets);
// Testing the tickets function
// With user_tickets = 3, 5, 8, and 1
I think the order should be 2-1-3-4, but the description of step 1 is confusing. In selection sort, you iterate from the point of the marker down through the entire list and find the smallest value, and swap that with the value at the marker. Then you advance the marker and repeat the process on the remainder of the list.
your account has enabled profile pictures for your users, you can manage all profile pictures for your account. Profile pictures are public and automatically approved when users upload an image in their settings. Using profile pictures can make it easier to see the users in your account and managing them gives you the ability to keep the pictures appropriate.
If Gravatars are enabled for an institution in account settings, and a user has a Gravatar but chooses not to upload a profile picture, the Gravatar will display for the user's profile picture.
If a student views another student's user details in a course and reports a profile picture as inappropriate, you can review those profile pictures and approve, lock, or delete the picture. In the courses, instructors can remove profile pictures completely from a user's details page.
A "multimedia presentation" refers to a presentation that uses <em>texts, images, audios, animations, photographs and the like </em>in order to help a particular set of audience understand. The presenter's ideas become clear because the audience can deeply grasp the meaning through different graphics and colors presented.
So, <em>the answer above is definitely true</em> because using animations or transitions figures to control when objects or texts appear can <u>prevent boredom</u> on the end of the audience. This will spark interest on their end.
However, it is important not to overdo it because this will cause further distraction that will divert your audience's attention. It should also be <u>conservative and consistent.</u>