Creating websites that can execute automated tasks and new programing languages revolving around web development.
The correct option is Option B
We need to find examples of client-side code.
Client Side code: The part of code, that doesn't require server for performing specific task
SO, The correct option is Option B
Prompt for special characters in user name
Reason: We can use alert to generate prompt using JavaScript or through validation and it can be done on client side.
All other options, we need to hit the server to perform the task, So they are not client-side code.
Software-defined infrastructure (SDI) is the definition of technical computing infrastructure entirely under the control of software with no operator or human intervention. It operates independent of any hardware-specific dependencies and are programmatically extensible.
She could have given access to the computer to the techician
"as well as any special settings or configurations she thinks may be relevant." This might inculd any information to hack the computer