The configuration of the R1 is as follows
Router#show running-config
Router#show startup-config
Router#configure terminal
Router(config)#hostname R1
R1(config)#line console 0
R1(config-line)#password letmein
R1(config)#enable password cisco
R1(config)#enable secret itsasecret
R1(config)#service password-encryption
R1(config)#banner motd #Unauthorized access is strictly prohibited#
R1#copy running-config startup-config
R1#show flash
R1#copy startup-config flash
cell address is the exact location of a particular cell of ms-excle
A1 refers to first row and first column.
A2 refers to second row first column.
in 'A1' : 'A' indicate column { A= first column, B= second
column, C= third column. and soon.....}
'1' indicate row { 1 = first row, 2 = second row, 3= third row..... soon .......}
If you're using google chrome if you look in the top right corner there are a button with 3 horizontal lines, click it, once you do that go down that list and click settings once you click that, hit extensions on the left side of the screen, after that you will see a list of extension you have find the extension you would like to delete and look far right to the extension and click the trash can. Once you click the trash can a pop up will appear and will say "Confirm Removal" and under that "Remove_______" If that is the extension you would like to remove continue if not go back to finding that extension If it is click remove
Software that would help my grandparents in the North end much money and help stop post harvest loss due to inadequate weather information Climate change etc
The app willbe able to tellif a soil is suitable forCropsthrough my othertechnologiesthat willcome with app it will alsodetect the whetherpattern accuratelyprovide securityin the farmand help farmers selltheir products online