This is about identifiers in a record referring to other records.
You can have many to one, one to one, many to many.
E.g., if you have two tables, Authors and Books, then a book record could have a reference to an author record. Since an author can write many books, this would be a many-to-one relationship.
The steps I would take are 1. Making a strong password with symbols and numbers. 2. I will set up a 2 way authentication ther for if someone would be trying to hack me I would get an alert in order to stop the attempt. 3 I will not use the same password each time.
When permanent magnets of a motor are replaced with more powerful ones, the motor rotation will increase. This is because there is more electricity being generated.
RAM Slots
If you upgraded RAM then check if RAM is in correct slots according to the Motherboard Manual, i had the same issue when i replaced my RAM.