In an electronic firm it is necessary to keep check for every circuit as they turn out to be defective. There can be minor error is circuit formation but this will be considered as defective because circuits are very sensitive and even minor error can lead to short circuits which could lead to a disaster. It is necessary for a firm to keep track and quality of every circuit should be checked.
c. There are more unemployed resources.
Equilibrium level of income is the level of income where aggregate supply in the economy is consistent with aggregate demand. that is the level of income planned savings is equal to planned expenditure. the equation can be written as S = I. where S = savings and I = investments
At equilibrium income level, aggregate expenditure is equal to aggregate output. The equilibrium equation can be written as Y = C+I+G+X-M where
Y = national income, I = investment expenditure of the firm, G = government expenditure on goods and services, X = export, M = import.
McDonald’s requires $750,000 in cash or liquid assets, a $45,000 initial fee, plus a monthly service fee based on the restaurant’s sales performance and rent.
According to McDonald's, total project expenditures, including construction costs and upgrades, vary from $1 million to $2.2 million. The number is determined by the restaurant geography and scale and the preference of kitchen equipment, branding, design style and landscaping.
McDonald's charges a franchisee premium of $45,000 and a monthly service rate equivalent to 4% of gross sales. Franchisees also have to pay rent, a proportion of the monthly sales to the client.
The International Union of Service Employees estimates that franchisees pay an average of 10.7% of revenue in rental costs.
The startup costs for McDonald's franchisee are like those of KFC, Wendy and Taco Bell.
Customer orientation
Customer orientation is described as a strategy to revenues and customer relationships in which employees focus on developing customers encounter their brief-term needs and desires. Here, management and staff align their physical and technical goals with customer satisfaction and retention.
Customer orientation is crucial to the gratification of a customer. Analysis into customer needs and satisfaction can improve your organization's customer orientation.
An epidemic is contained to a region, and a pandemic is global.
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