Overestimate, availability bias
Availability bias:
It is a phenomenon in which an individual makes the judgment on the base of biased towards the events. The individual easily comes under the influence of the event due to the past availability of the information. For example, if something occurred and the same thing occurred in the past with our strong emotions then we analyze the event with the availability of the experience in the past. The judgment will be biased because of the cloudiness of the past the experience due to which the recent event takes the weight.
All laws must concern human behavior because for an art to be law it must be used and guarded by human
Has tolerance to the subjective effects but not the physiological effects of caffeine
Exertion heat stroke
Exertion heatstroke is the leading cause of preventable death in high school athletics. Heat illness prevention is a course that has been provided in high school to prevent from this stroke. This course is related to maintaining the heat plan. There are some guidelines are mentioned in the course on how to account for the changes in the environment condition and the other related factors. It focuses on the hydrating plan and to establish the emergency plan in regards to the suspension about the exertion heat stroke.