I couldn't find that much but I found the same question as yours and this is another person comment. :3 hopefully that help :D
A diet that can lower your stress looks like something with a lot of fruits and vegis. Making sure you get a least one hour of exercise a day. Plus drinking tons of water and a some juices. Foods I'd consider would be pineapples, strawberries, bananas, cucumbers, carrots, and etc.
not nessesarily, psychopaths still care about their life, they can still feel pain and sadness. overall, being a psychopath wouldnt be a better life because you would never learn from your mistakes, and blaming all the people around you will make them not like you, and psychopaths can feel lonely too
How his body could go through puberty.
kháng thể, pentraxin và các tầng bổ sung và tiếp xúc
a box of condoms or your mom XD