Martin Luther King Jr. is one of the reasons why white and black people can get together but there are also other people such as Ruby Bridges, Rosa Parks, Dr.Rebbeca Lee Crumpler, etc; etc so yes Martin Luther King Jr. was one of the people who did bring white and black people together
Mexico’s Constitution of 1917 helped the working class by protecting the right to strike.
The Mexican National Constitution of 1917 elevated to the constitutional rank the rights of the workers, establishing and regulating the right to strike, the eight-hour labor day, the fixing of a minimum wage, distribution of profits, security measures, dismissal for justified reasons, protection of mothers, abolition of debt peonage, mechanisms of arbitration to resolve conflicts between labor and capital and other stipulations, which made Article 123 the most advanced constitutional article of the time.
We would be screwed and you could thank Joe Biden for that
There are several ways in which the U.S. increased western settlement in the 1800's, but by far the most important action was the creation of the Homestead Act.