1. Adenoblast: <span>adeno = gland; blast = immature cell/tissue
2. A</span>denoma: <span>adeno = gland; oma = benign tumor
</span>3. Adenocarcinoma: <span>adeno= gland; carcinoma = malignant tumor
</span>4. Hypoxia: <span>hyp = deficiencies; oxia = oxygen
</span>5. Homograft: <span>homo = same; graft = transplant
</span>6. Hyperplasia: <span>hyper = too much/alot; plasia = growth/formation
</span>7. Aplasia: <span>a = without; plasia = growth/formation
</span>8. Abscission: <span> ab = away from; cission = cutting
</span>9. Excise: <span>ex = out; cise = cut
</span>10. Debridement: <span>de = away; ment = action</span>
First, we have C6. The C represents Carbon, and there are six atoms present. Next, we have H12. The H represents Hydrogen, and there are twelve atoms present. Finally, we have O6. The O represents Oxygen, and there are six atoms present.
Combined, these atoms make our lovely glucose, a form of sugar that plant produce in the process of photosynthesis.
FYI most of this information can be found on the lovely search engine called Google. ;)
The reading frame of the sequence would shift, causing a change in the amino acid sequence after that point.
DNA sequencing is important to apply to the human genome. It allows scientists to sequence genes and genomes. Since there is a limit to how many bases can be sequenced in one experiment, larger DNA molecules - as mentioned - have to be 'broken' into smaller fragments before they can be sequenced and re assembled. The normal allelic variant is 1600 base pairs (bp) long and contains three exons. The order of the genes in the beta-globin cluster is 5' - epsilon – gamma-G – gamma-A – delta – beta - 3'.
B. Water purification programs
The goal of hygiene promotion is to help people to understand and develop good hygiene practices, so as to prevent disease and promote positive attitudes towards cleanliness.
Hygiene promotion encompasses a systematic attempt to adequately promote personal, domestic, environmental and food hygiene practices that prevent or mitigate the transmission of diseases. Water purification programs is among the government programs that encourages hygiene practices.
The third level, secondary consumers.