they probably don't have anything better to do.
The overload principle is one of the seven big laws of fitness and training. Simply put, it says that you have to increase the intensity, duration, type, or time of a workout progress.
Sorry if incorrect
Lifting a weight 10 times is a kind of ISOTONIC contraction. Holding a heavy machine part steady while securing it in place may be categorized as ISOMETRIC contraction. Lifting heavy cans and putting them on a shelf may be called an ISOTONIC contraction. Flexing your leg muscles and holding the flex is an ISOMETRIC contraction. Lifting your heavy book bag several times is good ISOTONIC contraction.
Toxoplasmosis is usually spread by eating poorly cooked food that contains cysts, exposure to infected cat feces, and from a mother to a child during pregnancy if the mother becomes infected. Rarely, the disease may be spread by blood transfusion. It is not otherwise spread between people.The parasite is known to reproduce sexually only in the cat family. However, it can infect most types of warm-blooded animals, including humans. Diagnosis is typically by testing blood for antibodies or by testing amniotic fluid for the parasite's DNA.