Vegetable go brrrrrrrrrrr
You need a variety of vegetables in your diet for a variety of protiens, vitamins, and nutriants. So the answer is C
Domestic violence and other types of violent relationships are based on power and control. If one partner feels the need to dominate the other in any shape or form, it is significantly more likely a relationship will turn violent. Research has shown that people with abusive tendencies generally turn violent when they feel out of control. The Power and Control Wheel, originally developed by the Domestic Abuse Intervention Project in Duluth, Minnesota, shows the abusive and violent pattern perpetrators use to get and maintain power and control.
It is possible an abuser may have witnessed domestic violence during childhood and understood violence to be a way to maintain control within a family.
An increased risk of domestic violence may occur during a significant shift in life, such as pregnancy or a family member’s illness. The perpetrator may feel left out or neglected and looks to find control in these situations.
(explanation: i really just needed to answer a question, so thank you)
The NCLEX exam, also known as the National Council Licensure Examination, is a standardized exam that each state board of nursing uses to determine whether or not a candidate is prepared for entry-level nursing practice. But your first step is to successfully complete an accredited nursing degree.