This question is incomplete
This question is incomplete but the completed question can be seen in the document attached.
There are three main subatomic particles namely electrons, protons and neutrons. However, the question only discusses two of them; electrons (negatively charged) and protons (positively charged).
A. Found in all matter
Answer: They are <u>both</u> found in all matter since all matter are made up of atoms and all atoms have both protons and electrons (and even neutrons).
B. Negative charge
Answer: The subatomic particle with negative charge (as discovered by R.A Millikan) is the <u>electron</u>
C. Exists in the nucleus
The subatomic particles found in the nucleus are the <u>protons</u> and neutrons.
D. Attract opposite charges
They <u>both</u> (protons and electrons) attract opposite charges because they are of opposite charges and generally unlike charges attract.
E. Moves at extreme speed
Of the two subatomic particles mentioned, <u>electrons</u> move faster than protons because of there lighter mass when compared to the protons. However, the fastest subatomic particle is the neutrino.
F. Bound by strong force
The <u>protons</u> are bound by strong nuclear force which binds them to the nucleus of the atom.
d. platelets
Platelets often referred to as thrombocytes, are membrane-bounded cell fragments that are obtained from the dissociation of bigger precursor cells referred to as megakaryocytes, that are produced from stem cells in the bone marrow.
Platelets are necessary for the blood clotting activities, making it very important for wound healing.
abiotic factors.
An abiotic factor is a non-living part of an ecosystem that shapes its environment.
Answer:La transición de formas de vida unicelulares a multicelulares ha ocurrido en más de una ocasión a lo largo de la evolución. Las plantas, las algas marrones, los hongos y los animales han adquirido estilos de vida multicelulares de forma independiente y convergente.
La aparición de los animales representó un paso evolutivo clave en la historia de la vida. El desarrollo embrionario y todas las funciones que requiere la vida multicelular se hallan conservados en todos los animales, desde las esponjas a los humanos.
La secuenciación de los genomas de las especies unicelulares más cercanas a los animales ha revelado que estas ya contenían muchos de los genes necesarios para la multicelularidad. Estos habrían sido reutilizados para nuevas funciones multicelulares en el ancestro común de todos los animales.