The effects socially would be that the delivery will not be well respected and their will be conflict between the deliver and customer, business, etc . The effects economically would be that the business will start to decline in customers of interest in that area and potentially will make a bad name for that business in general, meaning less business and less money. This leads to a drop in business status worldwide. The effects environmentally are possibly limitless, it affects everything. By the service being poor many things and people could suffer, including greenery and yardwork or whatever. There will be an effect on environment but it depends on the service and how poor it is.
Fold mountains are formed when two plates run into each other or collide
We should limit the use of carbon dioxide,such as making more electric cars,and limit greenhouse gasses.
The Three Economic Sectors. According to the three-sector theory, all economic activity can be classified into one of three sectors: the primary sector, the secondary sector and thetertiary sector.