The help determine age, gender, race, and height
Deserts, savannas, and grasslands.
The prevailing wind direction is West, even though natural wind direction is East. The West winds prevail because they are much stronger. The way this works is that the San Francisco Bay water is a constant cool temperature (around 50-60 degrees).
The RNA synthesis or ADN transcription occurs in the nucleus and requires:
- DNA strand to act as a template.
- Enzymes, specially the RNA-polymerase.
- Ribonucleotides of Adenine, Guanine, Cytosine and Uracil.
This consist of three maturation of the 3'-->5' direction while the sense of RNA synthesis is 5'-->3'.
This is fulfilled because the enzyme selects the ribonucleotide whose base is complementary to the DNA chain that acts as a template, and binds it by means of a nucleotide bond, releasing a phosphate group.