They defeated them through the drop the atomic bomb. ... (1945) meeting between Franklin Roosevelt, Winston Churchill, and Joseph Stalin to reach an agreement on what to do with Germany after World War II.
becuase the white religious leaders do not want any reforms even though black people are being treated unequally. king sought change in the society.
i hate those people who just anwser for points and type in random stuff
Its the first one the santa Fe Trail
The main factor that led to the development of the four major river valley civilizations was its closeness to rivers, which was a food source, its flooding allowed for fertile soil, allowed easy transportation and cities near them were easier to defend.
The fact that fewer people had to dedicate to the production of food allowed some of them to develop other activities, such as the construction of building and cities, metal working, trade and social organization. This led to a social division, the ones that worked and the ones that ruled, creating intricate systems of governments and religions that ideologically sustained those in power.