You need to get on top of your stuff.
you need to stay in school and get good grades and if you have a hard time with that then you need to take notes and study. a lot.
you need to focus on your career after college and don't let anyone get in your way or you won't get where you deserve to be.
If you always try your best
then you'll never have to wonder
About what you could have done
If you'd summoned all your thunder
And if all your best
Was not
As you hoped it would be
You still could say
I gave all today
All that I had in me
By Barbara Vance
No, he did not consider himself an "outsider" by staging a civil rights protest in Birmingham.
1) He and several members of his staff were INVITED by an affiliate of Southern Christian Leadership Conference to be on call to engage in a nonviolent direct action program when necessary.
2) He was<span> compelled to carry the gospel of freedom beyond his own home town.
3) "</span><span>Anyone who lives inside the United States can never be considered an outsider anywhere within its bounds." - MLK Jr.</span>
This article seems to be about being indigenous/a minority in America and feeling left out. its all about social identity