Lack of accreditation and low quality. Before you enroll in any online course, check that the program is accredited and verify this information with the accrediting agency.
Little or no face-to-face interaction.
More work.
Intense requirement for self-discipline.
Even more intense requirement for self-direction.
Making sure they can meet with people in person if they need help.
Be available for questions at all times.
Hi luv! I absolutely love your profile picture. Have a nice day!
external conflicts are when a character vs nature, society, technology, or another character. internal conflicts are when a character vs himself or herself. internal and external conflicts can make a character think or act a certain way to reveal a theme. external conflicts are identified by looking for what is stopping the character other than themselves. internal conflicts are identified by looking why and how the character is holding themselves back. Hopefully this helps you understand this concept better.
Author's point of view. when an author expresses his opinions and views.