Ektara (Hindi: एकतारा, Bengali: একতারা, Nepali: एकतारे, Punjabi: ਇਕ ਤਾਰਾ, Tamil: எக்டரா; literally 'one-string', also called actara, iktar, ektar, yaktaro, gopichand, gopichant, golki Nepali: गोल्, gopijiantra, tun tuna) is a one-stringed musical instrument used in the traditional music of South Asia,[1] and used in modern-day music of Bangladesh, India, and Pakistan.[1] It originated in South Asia.[1]
In origin the ektara was a regular string instrument of wandering bards and minstrels from India and is plucked with one finger. The ektara is a drone lute consisting of a gourd resonator covered with skin, through which a bamboo neck is inserted. It is used in parts of India and Nepal today by Yogis and wandering holy men to accompany their singing and prayers. In Nepal, the instrument accompanies the singing of the Ramayana and Mahabharata.[2]
It has two forms. One form resembles a lute. To make that version, a bamboo stick (90cm long) is inserted through side of wooden bowl (called a "tumbo") and the top of the bowl is covered with deerskin. The instrument has a single string running from a peg at the top, down the length of the stick-neck, across a bridge on the deerhide soundboard, and is tied at the "spike" where the stick pokes through the bowl. The instrument's string is plucked with the musicians index fingernail.[3][2]
The other version uses a drum-like body, and a skin soundboard with a string attached (to bend the sound of the soundboard). Two bamboo lathes are attached to the side of the drumhead and the string goes from the soundboard to where the lathes meet. This version of the instrument may be played either by plucking the string or by tapping the drumhead. Squeezing and releasing the bamboo lathes puts pressure on the drumhead and bends the pitch up and down. This form is associated with the Bauls of West Bengal, as well as the Tharu people of Udayapur District, Nepal.
Answer :On October 6, 1908, the Dual Monarchy of Austria-Hungary announces its annexation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, dual provinces in the Balkan region of Europe formerly under the control of the Ottoman Empire.
Have great day!
The correct answer is:
Franklin Roosevelt would have been most likely to make this statement.
In 1941, Roosevelt presented the Lend-Lease program to Congress in order to help Britain against Hitler’s aggression without direct American involvement in World War II.
The program granted military support to any country whose protection was indispensable to the safety of the United States. The plan, therefore, provided Roosevelt the power to lend arms to Britain.
when the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor the United States declared war on Japan. Three days later, after Germany and Italy declared war on it, the United States became fully engaged in the Second World War.
The unemployed was helped. The reason why is because when Roosevelt (who gave the new deal) became president, America was in the Depression.