The answer is called a token economy. In addition, a token economy is a method of behavior modification intended to increase needed behavior and decrease unwanted behavior with the use of tokens. The individuals receive tokens directly after exhibiting desirable behavior. The tokens are collected and later replaced by a significant object or privilege.
The proposed witness list and notation are: Admissible as regularly conducted business.
The witness list and notation here should be admitted as a regularly conducted activity (business record) since it satisfies the conditions:
The writing or record which in this case is the witness list and notation will be admissible as evidence of the transaction(the witness) if it is a regularly conducted business activity as it is customary to make these records.
The business record contains matters within the personal knowledge of the entrant.
The entry was made at the time of the transaction.
This means that if the records are found and they contain the notation for the doctor witness then it will serve as proof of that fact since all the requirements for a business record(since it should be a regular course of business) are present.
People are directly given power