1. Hardware Maintenance
2. Uninterrupted Power Supply (UPS)
3. Antivirus software
Antivirus software, or Anti-virus software (also known as AV software), otherwise called anti malware, is a PC program used to forestall, distinguish, and eliminate malware.
Antivirus software was initially evolved to identify and eliminate PC infections, thus the name. Be that as it may, with the expansion of different sorts of malware, antivirus software began to give security from other PC dangers. Specifically, current antivirus software can shield clients from: noxious program criminals.
A few items additionally incorporate security from other PC dangers, for example, tainted and noxious URLs, spam, trick and phishing assaults, online identity (privacy), web based financial assaults, social engineering techniques, advanced persistent threat (APT).
good luck getting an answer then
An example I believe of relational context is when I was out with my son on the weekend (he has a developmental disability) and we had agree I would buy him a 1/2 sub sandwich the day before but then he said I would like a McFlurry so I said okay and then he said so you mean I can have a McFlurry and a sub and I thought oh oh I stuck my foot in it so I said but it must be only a 1/2 sub so he said no I want a full sub then and no mcflurry so I agreed so from the original 1/2 sub idea the idea evolved to a full sub which was affected by the warm sunny summery weather in the afternoon and seeing people lined up at ice cream shops so the idea developed in relation to the weather, how hungry he was and the social aspect people buying ice cream.
Janelle should have clicked Save & Close to close the contact.
Gay- Lussac's Law. <span>A law stating that the volumes of gases undergoing a reaction at constant pressure and temperature are in a simple ratio to each other and to that of the product</span>