The relationship with the media is very important and the way the president responds and acts with the media makes his image get worse and worse.
Fiat money is the term used to refer to money that has value because the government has declared that it is an acceptance means to pay debts.
Example of fiat money are paper money and coins with "this note is legal tender for all debts private and public."
Religion: Spanish franciscan priests had developed a very hard work in that region, in the mission churches times. Catholics are are the largest population in the state of mexico today. That's a consequence of the missionary work pf those priests.
Spanish architecture, music and arts are quite noticeable in the state of new mexico.
It's clear to see how Spanish has influenced in the way of speaking in this state. New Mexican Spanish is a variant / dialect of Spanish spoken in Northern New Mexico by the Hispanos of New Mexico. It's also common to use some very specific words in spanish, appropriate and adapted by english spoken in this region.