Where is the items to match with the organelles :|
There are various steps that can be taken to determine if a piece of news is fake or not. For starters, check if the news outlet reporting this piece of news is a reputable outlet such as CNN or Wall Street Journal. Next would be identifying and researching the author of the news article. Check to see if the author has good credibility and reports only facts. The last big step that can be taken is to compare that piece of news with other news outlets to see if they have covered that same story. News spreads fast and if it is real and important it will be covered by many news outlets at the same time.
Nvm just wanted the 5 points lol
Answer: Secretive.
Explanation: The character of the described paragraph is a person who, looking for something eagerly, something that he considers as yours and that, however, if seen by others, would be taken from him, shows decision in his task, and precision in his act, since the last thing he wants is to be observed, detected in his intention.