One point is earned for making an accurate comparison of both Federalist and Anti-federalist positions. The Federalists wanted a stronger national government and weaker state governments, while the Anti-federalists wanted a weaker national government and stronger state government.
Bolivar defeated the Spanish forces for Venezuela in the Andes mountains by surprise. San Martin won by joining forces with other leaders. When the two met in Guayaquil, Peru, they joined their armies, and with a doubled force led Peru to independence from Spain.
Arabian sea
Hope I helped!
He worked on the telescope by improveing it and he studied astronomy
One of only 6 statues dedicated to women in New York," is an example of honor to monumental women which lends credibility to a commercial.
Statues for Equality aims to remedy the fact that less than three per cent of statues in New York City are dedicated to females by creating ten larger than life-sized bronze sculptures of famous women from astronaut Tracy Dyson to actress Nicole Kidman.
There are only a handful of statues in public spaces around New York City that depict female historical figures. It is said that New York is beginning to erect many statues of famous women by digging their greatest achievements from the coffins of the history of ancient past.