b engage in organized and systematic study of phenomena to enhance understanding.
Sociology is a systematic study of happenings that relate to society and the relationships that form among the members of society.
This field started first as August Compte in 1830 proposed a science based on the methods similar to the ones that apply to hard science thereby pursuing to unveil the secrets about how groups in society come together and work for different purposes.
Today the scope of sociology goes into analyzing power structures, the interest formation, as well as individuals within a whole.
Because according to Alfred Russel Wallace, the martian surface was cold, and the atmospheric pressure was too low to allow liquid water. All these features made it impossible for the existence of intelligent life, and consequently, the canals advocated by Percival Lowell.
The idea of intelligent life on Mars was a profitable argument in the late 19th century. Because of the lack of technology and the impossibility to see the martian surface with precise tools, many speculations about the Red Planet's surface were popular. In 1877 astronomer Giovanni Schiaparelli said that Mars was covered by canals (canali), an argument resulted from his observation during a closer transit of Mars from Earth. The idea, however, would be popularized by Percival Lowell and his book "Mars", originally published in 1895. According to Lowell, the martian canals were resulted by modern engineering, performed by superior intellectual beings. However, the idea, even if it's creative and spread for several other media, especially novels, it was subsequently dismissed by scientists.
I believe it is the Germanic branch.
Answer: Relationships and team work
The correct answer is E.
It was a return to public life because Nintendo didn’t have a successful game until they started promoting Nintendo Wii. When it was released it became a total success and different types of audiences started buying the new devices.