The charge of an oxygen atom is neutral.
The observation that could be made in regards a neon light placed in one evacuated (airless) chambea r, and battery powered radio placed in a second evacuated chamber, switched on at the same time by remote control, is that they are managed as capacitors.
Capacitors, also known as condensers, store energy and, we can also see them in the sky, they are the clouds.
Capacitors are made of two electrical conductors, separated by an insulator, when you add electrical energy to a capacitor you are charging a capacitor, the opposite is known as discharging.
D, There is no Weathering on the moon
The moon doesn't have an atmosphere therefore there cannot be any Sedimentary rocks on the Moon.
Inheritance Patterns
Mendel was studying how genes are past on to future generations and in what circumstances this can occur. He used pea plants as they multiply and grow quickly allowing him to observe many generations much faster than he would be able to observing humans or even other mammals. He also used pea plants because this way he could control reproduction of his pea plant population to adjust to specific questions he had in terms of his research.