When the network stack translates an IP address (network address) to a MAC address (data link address) it sends a broadcast using ARP to all devices on the subnet asking who has the specified IP address. The device with that IP address will then respond with it's MAC address to the ARP message's source.
With this in mind the answer to your question would either be broadcast or ARP request depending on what you have been learning in class.
mystr = input("Enter a string ")
length = len(mystr)
while length<10:
mystr = input("Enter a string ")
length = len(mystr)
if len(mystr)%2==0:
The variable mystr is used to save user's input which is received with the input function
A second variable length is used to save the length of the input string Using a while statement the user is continually prompted to enter a string while length is less than 10.
If length is greater or equal to 10. We check for even or odd using the modulo (%) operator.
We use lower() and upper() to change the case of the string
The similarities are: in both programs you can type letters, insert images, hyperlinks.
A primary key is the answer. =)