The bee who is enthralled by the pollen gets some of it stuck to itself and travels with the plants offspring which ensures the plants reproduction. The wind blows the seeds of the dandelion to far off places to ensure the reproduction of the dandelion. The squirrel who is storing acorns for the winter will eat some of them, but other acorns are forgotten which ensures the reproduction of the acorn tree's reproduction.
Benthos describe organisms that live on or in the ocean floor.
I believe the answer would be d
Plant like Protists - also called algae - autotrophs
<span>Fungus like Protists - heterotrophs, decomposers, external digestion </span>
<span>From the above their role in the aquatic food chain is clear . </span>
<span>They perform their role as </span>
<span>1) producers = example = Plant like Protists - also called algae - autotrophs </span>
<span>2 ) consumers = example =Animal like Protists - also called protozoa (means "first animal") - heterotrophs </span>
<span>and </span>
<span>3) Decomosers = example ==Fungus like Protists - heterotrophs, decomposers, external digestion