Broad-spectrum antibiotics can cause antibiotic resistance.
- Antibiotics are the substances that inhibit the growth of or kill the bacteria and hence, these are used as medications for the treatment of a lot of bacterial diseases.
- These antibiotics can either be of broad-spectrum or the narrow spectrum.
- The broad-spectrum antibiotics are the ones that are effective against a variety of bacteria, both gram-positive and negative whereas the narrow-spectrum antibiotics are the ones that target only a specific type of bacteria.
- Since the bacteria can mutate very fast and hence, develop antibiotic resistance, the doctors usually avoid prescribing broad-spectrum antibiotics and only use them when the causal bacteria is completely unknown.
- Hence, in the given case the provider prescribes separate medications for both types of bacteria.
DNA is the genetic composition of the cells in the human body, think of it as the coding for a computer but for cells. These carry your genetic composition (blue eyes, Brown hair, tall, short blah blah blah) and traits like smart, funny, shy.
Hope that helps.
In plants life cycle, the diploid stage is known as B. The sporophyte.
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Competition for resources like food and space cause the growth rate to stop increasing, so the population levels off. This flat upper line on a growth curve is the carrying capacity. The carrying capacity (K) is the maximum population size that can be supported in a particular area without destroying the habitat.