5 per 1,000 because you subtract the 10 deaths from 15 and get 5.
The dimensioning system in which <span>numerals are placed in line with the dimension line is called the <u> aligned </u> system. In the <u> unidirectional</u><u> </u>system all numerals read from the bottom.</span>
33, because you only killed the 30th person.
Many North African nations practice Islam because many Muslims traded in that region, so the North Africans converted to Islam, whereas those in Sub-Saharan African nations were more prone to Christianity because of the trade they did with Europeans.
1) Klima
2) Monsoon
3) Klimang Halumigmig tropikal
4) Humid - sub tropical
5) Tundra
6) Klimang kontinental
7) Renewable
8) Potensiyal
9) Aktuwal
10) Savanna