The correct answer is B. Women must be granted equality in the workforce.
Declaration of sediment is termed as document which was signed by 100 attendees out of 300 for the convention of rights of women.
The author of declaration was Elizabeth Candy. The declaration demanded for women equality with men in employment, before the law and in education.
The declaration was important because it advocated the rights for women.
ethnoarchaeology is the ethnographic study of peoples for archaeological reasons, usually through the study of the material remains of a society.
Answer: These sources provided Shakespeare primarily with historical information. Moreover, Shakespeare borrowed ideas for the plot from them, and focused on some of the historical figures in his own work.
Not all of Shakespeare's ideas are his own. Sometimes, Shakespeare found inspiration in other sources that he used. This is mainly true for his history plays - plays that are named after monarchs that ruled during a certain time period. <em>Holinshed's Chronicles</em> is believed to have been his primary source for history plays - <em>Henry IV</em> (part I and II),<em> Henry V, Henry VI</em> (all three parts), <em>Henry VIII, Richard II, Richard III</em>, but also for <em>King Lear</em>, <em>Cymbeline</em> and <em>Macbeth</em>. Shakespeare incorporated many Roman figures in his work, such as Julius Caesar, Antony, Cleopatra, etc. While doing so, he mainly relied on <em>Plutarch's</em> work, a text called <em>Parallel Lives</em> that consists of 40 biographies of Greek and Roman leaders.
<span>The social criticism in Upton Sinclair's The Jungle was a response to the working conditions faced by immigrants.
Immigrants often have a difficult time getting accustomed to their new country and its culture, and the jobs are no different. Usually, the conditions they have to work under are quite difficult, which Sinclair is trying to convey in his work.