The correct answer is coevolution.
The term is used to illustrate the conditions where two or more species communally influence each other’s evolution. For example, an evolutionary modification in the morphology of a plant may influence the morphology of a herbivore that consumes it, this, in turn, may influence the evolution of the plant that might influence the evolution of the herbivore and so on.
Coevolution most possibly takes place when distinct species have a close ecological association with each other. These ecological associations include parasite/host and predator/prey, mutualistic species, and competitive species.
The xylem.
They are transported by the xylem in the plant.
If a zebra mussel is discovered in a lake in Pennsylvania, then the ecologist would be worried because it is an invasive species. The zebra mussel is native to Ukraine and Russia, but if it has been found in Pennsylvania, than it means that it has been introduced in this area. As an invasive species, the zebra mussel can be very dangerous for the native species in the lake. The invasive species usually are more competitive for food sources than the native species, manage to reproduce quicker, bring in diseases, and the native species tend to not have defense mechanisms for them. This leads to rapid decline or even extinction in the native species, while the invasive spreads out quickly and takes over, resulting in dramatic change in the whole ecosystem.
Tall people are normally underweight