Mutual Fund
A mutual fund is a moderate type of investment since it involves a modest risk to seek higher long term returns.
The white primary effectively excluded blacks from having any say in selecting the state’s elected officials.
1) True
2) False
3) True
4) True
5) True
1) No doubts. It was an electric revolution. Until the arrival of the electric light, in addition to being poorly lit, in the houses there was a risk of fire and pollution. So when the light came with the turn of the century, that change affected not only everyday life but also industry and all aspects of contemporary society.
2) it was Nicola Tesla
3) Yes. The companies agreed to divide the continent into four time zones; the dividing lines adopted were very close to the ones we still use today
4) It was a great monopoly
5) Andrew Carnagie bought rival companies and pioneered the use of an economical and efficient method to convert iron into steel on an industrial scale. That was how Carnegie's company came to dominate steel production in the US.
The Roles of Women in the Revolutionary War. Women took on many roles in the Revolutionary War. ... From supportive jobs like nurses, cooks and maids to more direct roles such as secret soldiers and spies, these Daughters of Liberty did more than their share to help win America's independence.