Les jeunes mettent les pommes dans la salle à manger
____Cette _____ maison est jolie, mais ___celle-ci _________ l’est encore plus.
cette: démonstratif
cele-ci , indique une autre maison proche
une souris et un lapin
souris et un lapin= une reglé
Most of the numbers follow a pattern. You only really have to learn the first 20 numbers, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90 and 100 and the prefixes and patterns for the rest of the numbers. First, for numbers from 21 to 69, we prefix the number 20, 30, 40, 50 or 60 to the digit in the ones place. For example, 32 is trente-deux (quite literally thirty-two) and 68 is soixante-huit (or sixety-eight). An important exception to this rule is any number with 1 in the ones place, in which case an "et" is added between 20, 30, 40, 50 or 60 and 1. For example, 21 is vingt et un (or twenty and one). The numbers from 70 until 100 are quite unusual. 70 is soixante-dix (or sixty-ten), and numbers from 71 to 79 consist of soixante prefixed to the numbers 11-19, depending on the digit in the ones place (if it is 1, it becomes onze, and if it is 9 it is dix-neuf). 80 is quatre-vingts (or four twenties) and numbers from 81 to 89 consist of quatre-vignt prefixed to the digit in the ones place. For example, 86 is quatre-vignt-six. 90 is quatre-vingt-dix (four twenties and ten) and numbers from 91 to 99 consist of quatre-vingt prefixed to the numbers 11-19, depending on the digit in the ones place. For 71, 81 and 91, there is an "et" between the prefix and "onze" or "un".
dureté et brutalité
méfait et crime
loyauté et honnêteté..?
bonté et gentillesse
reconnaissance et gratitude
tromperie et fourberie
vol et Iarcin
malveillant et haineux