At the end of the Second World War, the Allied side, which was formed mainly by the powers of the United States, the Soviet Union, Great Britain and France, divided itself in ideological terms into two distinct camps, led by the United States and the Soviet Union, respectively. Thus, the side led by the United States, called the Western bloc, advocated the imposition of a democratic and capitalist system throughout the planet with a fundamental respect for the individual freedoms of citizens, both in social and economic terms. On the other hand, the Soviet Union came to lead in the eastern bloc, with clearly communist ideas, which promoted the creation of an authoritarian system in which the government would centralize economic, political, civil and social decisions both at a general level as well as in the particular scope of each one of the citizens.
In this way, these two antagonistic views of the world began to collide, since both powers sought to expand their spheres of influence through the imposition of their system in other countries. This situation, motivated by the power struggle between both powers, gave rise to the Cold War.
Washington recognizes that it is natural for people to organize and operate within groups such as political parties, but he also argues that every government has recognized political parties as an enemy and has sought to repress them because of their tendency to seek more power than other groups
The Epic of Gilgamesh is one of the oldiest stories that has been written in the history of mankind; oldest preserved stories at least. It was written on clay tablets which are to some extent still preserved today. And this is a feat which has immeasurable value considering what we can learn from it.
I believe that although the constitution has not changed much since it was written, but I do believe that however, the interpretation of the constitution has changed over time. I believe that the Founding Fathers would be a little shocked if they were to travel through time and see how the US is right now.