England began expanding its border with exploration in the late 16th century.
During the age of discovery, which is a period of exploracion protracted from 15th century to 16th century, different overseas travels were carried out in order to explore and that resulted in the appropiation of other lands. England, France, and the Netherlands began to establish colonies and trade networks of their own in the Americas and Asia.
Automatic updates can be a great problem in the case of the linked object and an embedded object. Hence, "a" and "b" are not the correct options, and since there is an effect, the d. the option is also not correct, as it does affect. And hence none of these options are correct. And the correct option is c) none.
The answer to this question is "Option a".
The description of the JavaScript code as follows:
- In the code, there is two variable defined that are "years and months". The years convert string value in number and calculate years and holds value in years variable and months variable calculate the moths and holds value in months variable.
- Then we use conditional statements in this statement we use two if blocks. In first if block we check that years variable value is equal to 0. if this condition is true. it will print months in the alert box.
- In second if block we check that if months variable value is equal to 0. if this condition is true. it will print years in the alert box.
- In else block, we use an alert box that prints years and months.
The advantage of returning a structure type from a function when compared to returning a fundamental type is that
e. a and b only.
One advantage of returning a structure type from a function vis-a-vis returning a fundamental type is that the function can return multiple values. The second advantage is that the function can return can an object. This implies that a function in a structure type can be passed from one function to another.
Are in good standing money wise!
hope helped c;