79. Is 52 800 centimeters greater than 1 kilometer?
According to the unit of conversion in every 1 kilometer, there is a total of 100 000 centimeters.
Now, the given value of centimeters is equals to 52 800
=> 1 km = 100 000 cm
=> 52 800 cm is less than the value of 100 000 cm which is equivalent to 1 km.
Thus, the given is not correct. 52 800 cm is less than 1 kilometer.
6 hours because
double- 3 hours
triple- 6 hours
D. x^6 - x + √6
Step-by-step explanation:
Last option:
⇒ x^6 - x + √6
Cannot be simplified further and has three terms.
Therefore is a trinomial.