The three types of economic resources are natural resources, human resources and capital resources. The economists refer to these as Factors of Production. Natural resources refer to things found in nature; including sun, air, water, minerals, wood and oil. Anything not created by a human being is a natural resource.
False, the bill of rights is the first ten amendments to the constitution not the first seven.
Bicameral - (of a legislative body) having two branches or chambers.
b. The government fell apart and warlords took over the provinces.
The Chinese Civil War was a civil war fought from 1927 to 1950, because of a difference in thinking between the Communist Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and the Nationalist Kuomintang (KMT), there was a fight for legitimacy as the government of China. ... About two million Chinese fled to Taiwan in late 1949.
Answer:The presiding officer of the chamber is the Speaker of the House, elected by the Representatives. He or she is third in the line of succession to the Presidency.