Answer: Because social characteristics such as class, gender, and ethnicity influence life chances, they are allocated unequally among individuals and groups. People in higher social classes have a better likelihood of getting adequate healthcare and decent housing than those in lower social classes.
If you have to drive on a long trip, get plenty of rest before you leave and plan on stopping every two hours.
You should at least rest 15 minutes per 2 hours also.
Foods to avoid on a low residue diet are whole-grain bread, cereal, pasta &, etc. You should also avoid raw vegetables and dried fruit.
1. Tell them they can trust you and that you want to help.
2. Ask if they are talking to an adult and if they aren't, find a trusted adult they can talk to.
Offer Help:
1. Offer to go to the counselor's office with them.
2. Ask them if they want to go out to get their mind off of things.
Follow Through:
1. Ask maybe the next week how they're feeling and how you can be helping.
2. Ask the counselor of adult they're seeing if they are getting better.